Are Long Term Rehab Centers Worth the Time & Effort?
Anyone who’s been in and out of drug treatment well knows how frustrating it can be to go through rehab only to turn around and relapse shortly thereafter. More often than not, early relapse is a good sign that a more intensive level of treatment is needed to help a person maintain continued abstinence.
While traditional 28-day programs do a good job at helping you confront the addiction problem, this program length doesn’t provide the time needed to incorporate treatment practices into your everyday life. Long term rehab centers can run anywhere from 60 days to a year in duration, which allows for ample time to gain a firm foundation in the recovery process.
In effect, long term rehab centers specialize in dealing with chronic addiction problems, especially in cases where other forms of treatment bring about limited or disappointing results.
Who Most Benefits from Long Term Rehab Center Treatment?

Long term rehab produces the best recovery outcomes.
As a general rule, the longer the addiction problem lasts, the longer drug treatment should be. In this respect, anyone who’s struggled with drug addiction for six months or longer will likely require the intensive treatment approach provided through long term rehab centers.
According to the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the effects of chronic drug abuse essentially strip away a person’s ability to:
- Make sound, rational decisions
- Maintain genuine, lasting relationships
- Prioritize important life areas above drug use
- Maintain emotional stability
Under these conditions, the longer a person remains in treatment the greater the chances of a successful recovery.
Long Term Rehab Center Services
Long term rehab center services encompass a range of interventions, all of which work to address the challenges and obstacles recovering addicts face in recovery. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, services commonly offered include:
- One-on-one therapy
- 12 Step support groups
- Treatment for psychological disorders, such as depression and anxiety
- Group therapy
- Developing relapse prevention strategies
- Drug education
If you need help finding a long term rehab center that meets your needs, please don’t hesitate to call our toll-free helpline at 888-646-0635Who Answers?.
Treatment Objectives
In effect, chronic drug addiction warps a person’s psychological makeup to the point where he or she can no longer adhere to the types of rules and behaviors that make a drug-free lifestyle possible. For these reasons, much of the therapeutic benefit gained from staying in a long term rehab center is derived from the day-in, day-out interactions had with treatment staff and other recovering addicts.
Upon completing treatment, recovering addicts have developed the needed coping skills for dealing with everyday life on a drug-free basis.
Not everyone will require the type of comprehensive treatment provided through long term rehab centers, but those who do can greatly benefit from the time and effort that these programs require. When all is said and done, length of time spent in treatment becomes the determining factor for people coming off chronic addiction problems.
If you’ve made multiple attempts at drug treatment with little to no success to show for it, please feel free to call our toll-free helpline at 888-646-0635Who Answers? to discuss treatment options with one of our addiction specialists.
The Importance of Long Term Rehab Centers for Men in Recovery