7 Ways to Achieve Sobriety at Heroin Rehab Centers
The road to overcoming heroin addiction can be a long and difficult journey due to the nature of this substance and the way it affects your brain. While it’s certainly possible to overcome heroin addiction on your own, you’re more likely to achieve lifelong sobriety by seeking treatment at a heroin rehab center.
Heroin rehab centers can help you get through the intense detox phase, and offer counseling and aftercare programs that teach you how to cope with everyday life without relying on substances.
While heroin rehab centers are staffed with experienced healthcare professionals who will guide you safely through detox, your success depends mainly on you, and on your commitment to becoming healthier.
If you or someone you love is struggling with heroin addiction, don’t hesitate to call our helpline at 888-646-0635Who Answers?. An experienced drug abuse counselor can provide you with the help and resources you need to locate heroin rehab centers in your area.
To improve your outcome for a full recovery from heroin, check out the following 7 tips that can help you achieve sobriety at a heroin rehab center.
1. Opt for Inpatient Care
Those who struggle with heroin addiction are more likely to achieve lifelong sobriety by enrolling in an inpatient program, versus an outpatient program. An inpatient program allows you to live at the heroin rehab center for as long as it takes for you to overcome addiction.
Patients have access to care and support 24/7, which is especially important during the detox phase when withdrawal symptoms are at their most intense.
If you feel scared about going through detox and withdrawal, or are surrounded by negative influences at home, an inpatient heroin rehab center could be your best option for treatment.
When making the decision between inpatient and outpatient care, choose inpatient care to experience the safest, healthiest recovery.
2. Listen to Staff
Throughout your journey to sobriety — especially during the earliest stages — listen to and take advice from staff members at your heroin rehab center. There may be times you feel intense emotions that cause you to lash out or disagree with certain treatments, which is normal for recovering addicts.
But remember that the staff members at heroin rehab centers have your best interests at heart, and are devoted to helping you become healthier and sober. Avoid resisting help and advice from staff, and keep an open mind to new treatments and methods that can help you combat addiction.
3. Demonstrate Commitment
Getting through heroin rehab isn’t easy, but staying drug-free will be worth your short-term sacrifices. The time you spend in rehab will be relatively short compared to the long, fulfilling life you’ll go on to lead following treatment. When times get tough, just remember there’s a rainbow waiting after the storm, and that your life is about to become much, much better.
4. Maintain Good Health
Staying healthy with good nutrition and regular exercise is vital to your overcoming heroin addiction. Healthy, whole foods such as fruits and vegetables provide your body with the nourishment it needs to face the physical and mental challenges you’ll go through during treatment. Plus, exercising regularly will help flush harmful toxins from your body — including heroin — so you can get through detox even faster.
5. Take it One Day at a Time
Thinking about all the obstacles you’ll face throughout treatment can be overwhelming, and make you feel defeated and less confident about overcoming addiction. However, smaller goals are easier to overcome, and are more successful at helping you achieve sobriety. Focus on taking things one day at a time throughout your journey, and on living in the now to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
6. Stay Busy
Keeping yourself busy and occupied is an ideal way to cope with and manage heroin withdrawal symptoms. Talk to your counselors and therapists about activities and hobbies that can keep you occupied throughout rehab. In most cases, recreational therapy will be included in your program to take your mind off heroin and withdrawal, and to connect you with peers also working toward overcoming addiction.
7. Write Your Goals
Shortly after checking into rehab, write down your reasons for wanting to quit heroin, and set them aside. On days you’re feeling frustrated, lost, and/or hopeless, review your goals and reasons for quitting heroin to get yourself back on track with recovery. This can serve as a great reminder as to why you sought help in the first place, and prevent you from feeling discouraged.
If you have questions about how heroin rehab can help you become healthier and drug-free, call our helpline at 888-646-0635Who Answers? to speak with a drug abuse counselor. We can help you find heroin rehab centers in your local area, and connect you with resources that can guide you along the path to recovery and lifelong sobriety.