Free Alcohol Rehab Centers: Pros & Cons to Consider
The cost of health care can easily discourage a person from seeking out treatment, regardless of the ailment of condition involved. This is especially the case with addiction-related conditions.
According to the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration, an estimated 23.5 million people needed some form of treatment for substance abuse disorder in 2009 with only 2.6 million actually seeking out needed treatment help. Not surprisingly, high treatment costs play a role in keeping people from getting the help they need.
Free alcohol rehab centers meet a very real need in providing help for those least able to afford the high costs of treatment. While these programs no doubt fill a gap in services, there are pros and cons to consider before committing to any one program.
Call our toll-free helpline at 888-646-0635Who Answers? to ask about available treatment program options.
Pros of Free Alcohol Rehab Center Treatment
No Cost
Due to increasing rates of alcoholism and addiction in general, state and federal governments have made provisions to fund free alcohol rehab center programs in an effort to stem the tide of addiction in the United States. As many people struggling alcoholism have lost their jobs as a result, the no cost feature of free alcohol rehab center treatment enables them to access treatment services regardless of their financial means.
Treatment Program Types
Free alcohol rehab centers vary in program types just like for-profit treatment programs. Programs types to consider include:
- Inpatient
- Residential
- Outpatient
- Sober living homes
The different program types are designed to address different stages of addiction and essentially provide those in recovery with needed treatment supports throughout the course of the recovery process.
Cons of Free Alcohol Rehab Center Treatment
Baseline Standards of Care
While free alcohol rehab centers do have funding resources, government funding for addiction treatment tends to ebb and flow depending on federal and state budgeting needs. As a result, free programs can’t offer top-of-line treatment settings or offer anything more than baseline standards of care. For someone recovering from severe alcoholism, these programs may not be able to offer the level of support needed to address his or her treatment needs.
What Everyone Needs to Know About Alcohol Addiction Treatment
High rates of alcoholism and limited program openings make for long waiting lists when applying for free treatment. Considering how alcohol’s effects tend to worsen a person’s condition over time, waiting months for an opening in a treatment program can actually cause more harm than good when other treatment options may be available.
Cost Considerations
With no financial means to pay for treatment, free alcohol rehab center programs may seem like a person’s only viable option, but this isn’t necessarily the case. With the passing of the Affordable Care Act in 2014, health insurance coverage has become more accessible, so people who otherwise wouldn’t quality for insurance coverage now can, according to the U. S. Department of Health & Human Services. This opens up a wide range of treatment options that weren’t available before.
Please don’t hesitate to call our toll-free helpline at 888-646-0635Who Answers? to ask about free or paid alcohol rehab center program options.