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All About Recovery After Drug Rehab

Most patients who enter drug rehab are not worried so much about what is involved in the rehabilitation process itself but more so about when they will actually be in recovery. For some, recovery takes many months or even years to attain while for others, recovery is a process that almost comes naturally and commences within mere weeks or months following the last dose of a particular substance or drug. Regardless of how long it takes to get to recovery, once the rehabilitation process is completed, a lifelong program of recovery must be established to ensure lasting success and sobriety.

Sometimes, the path to recovery is clearly paved and the addict is able to find his or her way with little help from family or counselors – other times this is just not the case. In fact, millions of people require professional help in order to find their way and to achieve success in recovery from drug addiction. The process of recovery is different for every addict and the means by which each patient recovers will change from one individual to the next based on his or her terms of addiction, health and other factors.

Before you ever leave your treatment or drug rehab program you will work with a counselor or therapist to devise a plan for recovery. This plan will introduce you to the terms of aftercare, how recovery will work outside of treatment and what steps you can do to prevent relapse and sustain your own sobriety. Depending on your own individual circumstances, your recovery plan may include spending weekends back in treatment, seeing a counselor on a regularly scheduled basis or remaining in a sober living facility following your addiction rehabilitation program.

Many patients will continue to work with a counselor or therapist for many weeks or months following their exit from a rehab program. In fact, many will receive counseling for many years to come to help prevent relapse, maintain a healthy psychological interest and stay well. Some patients also seek support groups that they build a network around and which they may choose to attend for a prolonged time following their drug addiction treatment. The most common of these support groups include:

  • Narcotics Anonymous
  • Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Other Anonymous groups

Support groups are an ideal way for those in recovery to get to know others who are also in recovery and to work together to stay sober. Many of these groups include sponsorship which means that if you have a problem and need someone to talk to or need help, you can give the sponsor a call and talk things out. Sometimes, just having another recovered voice on the end of the phone is all it takes to steer clear of using drugs and can help you get through one more day of sobriety. Remember, sobriety is a day to day event that is to be taken one step at a time.

Take things day by day, one step at a time and soon recovery will become a part of life that you are accustomed to living and it will feel natural. For help, call 888-646-0635Who Answers? to talk with a rehab specialist.

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