Rehab centers that offer individualized treatment are among the better ones.
As alcohol and drug addiction rates continue to rise, the demand for quality drug rehab centers has become all the more pressing. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, while addiction can cause considerable harm to vital brain functions, it’s nonetheless a treatable disease.
The addictions field has well established treatment models from which to work. That being so, drug rehab centers may still employ different types of approaches for treating addiction. This wide variety of options may or may not increase addicts’ chances of a successful recovery.
More than anything else, a person has the best chance of success in recovery when the type of treatment provided addresses his or her specific treatment needs. As drug rehab centers must meet certain certification requirements, the best programs ensure these requirements are met. Lastly, providing recovering addicts with the tools they need to maintain abstinence after completing rehab becomes another quality indicator when looking for the best drug rehab centers.
Individualized Treatment
For many people struggling with drug abuse, other issues and problems may be working to support and/or aggravate addiction behaviors. Psychological problems, such as depression and anxiety disorders can easily drive a person to use drugs as a way to self-medicate uncomfortable symptoms.
Issues like homelessness and past sexual abuse experiences can create high stress lifestyles and feelings of worthlessness, which make a person more susceptible to drug abuse. Likewise, a medical condition can mark the start of an addiction, especially when prescription pain medications are involved.
The best drug rehab centers use a wide range of treatment approaches to accommodate each person’s individual treatment needs. These programs employ an extensive assessment process to determine what factors contribute to a person’s need to use drugs.
What to Look For
With years of addiction research and application data on record, there’s really no guesswork involved in providing effective drug rehab treatment. Both federal and state governments have developed protocols that work as standard treatment models within the addictions field.
The best drug rehab centers not only adhere to these protocols, but also can provide proof of their credentials and qualifications. Effective treatment programs meet their state’s accreditation and licensing requirements. These programs should also be able to provide statistics that show their success rates, preferably from a third party ratings agency.
Program-wise, treatment services should cover both the physical and psychosocial aspects of addiction. Services to look for include:
Group therapy
12-Step support groups
Drug education training
Counseling services
Aftercare Planning
Recovering from addiction can often take considerably longer than the length of time a person actually used. While drug rehab centers do provide an invaluable service, recovering addicts may well continue to battle addiction’s effects long after they complete treatment.
For these reasons, the best drug rehab centers include aftercare planning as a part of their program approach. Aftercare planning directives may include:
Ongoing psychotherapy
Residential treatment
Ongoing 12-Step support group attendance
Family counseling
Follow-up medical care
Aftercare planning has to do with the types of continuing care a person will need to maintain abstinence for the long term.
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