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Psychological Disorders Related to Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine addiction can cause serious emotional and psychological problems if it is left untreated.

Cocaine addiction can cause serious emotional and psychological problems if it is left untreated.

Cocaine addiction is associated with various detrimental health effects that are both physical and psychological. Various cocaine related psychological disorders have been documented and are currently treated in many rehab centers today. To date, there are ten common classifications of psychological disorders related to cocaine addiction. Here’s a look at the most common types of psychological disorders related to cocaine addiction:

Cocaine intoxication

A person is intoxicated on cocaine when they have recently used cocaine and have developed a significantly different behavior pattern as well as psychological changes. The most common changes that occur psychologically as a result of cocaine intoxication include talking excessively, anxiety, impaired judgment, anger, and euphoria. The individual may show signs of being agitated or restless, anxious or lack the ability to pay attention.

Cocaine withdrawal

Cocaine withdrawal begins when heavy use or long term use of cocaine is abruptly stopped. This causes various psychological changes including insomnia or hypersomnia, bad dreams, depression and suicidal thoughts. Additionally the person may also be sleep and slow compared to before as a result of cocaine withdrawal.

Cocaine intoxication delirium

During cocaine intoxication delirium the addict may lose consciousness, suffer an inability to focus attention, and they may also show signs of delirium in which they cannot process information appropriately. In most cases, this psychological disorder related to cocaine addiction is reversible. The addict is distractible and confused and may even have visual illusions.

Cocaine-induced psychotic disorders with delusions

When psychotic symptoms exceed those of the addict who is simply intoxicated or showing signs of withdrawal then a cocaine induced psychotic disorder with delusions may be present. The delusions may be that of paranoia. The mental capacity of the individual is exaggerated and there is a lack of ability to cope with regular demands of life as a result of the delusions. Such delusions may result in a person clinging to false beliefs despite supporting evidence that proves otherwise. Fear and anxiety is also common here.

Cocaine-induced psychotic disorders with hallucinations

Psychotic disorders with hallucinations as a result of cocaine addiction result when the addict hallucinates either visually or in an auditory way. In most cases, these hallucinations are auditory or tactile in which the addict will be caught talking to “someone” when there isn’t anyone around. This type of psychological disorder develops within a month of cocaine intoxication or cocaine withdrawal. The individual may “hear voices” and show signs of suicidal or homicidal tendencies as a result of this psychological disorder related to cocaine addiction.

Cocaine-induced mood disorders

Mood disorders such as depression, manic depression, mania, and mixed moods may develop as a result of cocaine addiction. Cocaine induced mood disorders will present within one month of cocaine intoxication or cocaine withdrawal. The addict may show loss of interest in daily activities, they may suffer from feelings of worthlessness, guilt and other depression symptoms as a result of this disorder.

Cocaine-induced anxiety disorders

Cocaine induced anxiety disorders present as panic attacks, obsessions or compulsions that appear during cocaine use or within one month of cocaine abuse. The anxiety disorders cause impairment of functioning in social or occupational environments. The individual may have difficulty concentrating and they feel anxious about certain things as a result of the cocaine induced anxiety disorder.

Cocaine-induced sexual dysfunctions

Sexual dysfunction, although not a psychological disorder related to cocaine addiction, can cause many different psychological disorders as a result. Cocaine induced sexual dysfunctions include a prominent sexual dysfunction that results from distress or interpersonal difficulty. Symptoms include impaired desire, impaired arousal and impaired orgasm or sexual pain. These symptoms present within one month of cocaine use or during cocaine use and are separate from any sexual dysfunctions that may be present and not related to cocaine addiction.

Cocaine-induced sleep disorders

Cocaine induced sleep disorders cause a patient to have prominent disturbances in sleep as a result of cocaine use. The most common types of sleep disorders related to cocaine addiction include insomnia, hypersomnia, parasomnia and mixed sleep disorders. With mixed sleep disorders, more than one sleep disturbance is present and none of them occurs more predominantly than the other. Sleep disorders related to cocaine addiction present within one month of cocaine intoxication or cocaine withdrawal or during cocaine abuse and cause impairment in functioning and other areas of life.

Cocaine-related disorders not otherwise specified

Some cocaine related disorders are unclassified. The not otherwise specified cocaine related disorders can present in a number of ways both psychologically and physically depending on the situation. If the disorder does not fall into one of the previously presented nine categories then it may be a not otherwise specified cocaine related disorder.

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