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Do Free Inpatient Rehab Centers Exist?

Some individuals truly need inpatient care for one reason or another, but since these programs are generally more expensive than outpatient centers, they sometimes do not attend the programs they require. In actuality, there are inpatient and residential treatment programs that do provide low-cost and even free care to patients who need it.

How Many Free Programs are There?

Free Inpatient Rehab

You’ll likely have to show proof of low income in order to qualify for free rehab.

According to a study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, about 4 percent of the treatment centers in the country provide care to patients with no cost whatsoever. Another 48.3 percent provide partially free care either with or without a sliding fee scale for patients who do need to pay a specific amount. Finally, 24 percent of the programs in the country provide treatment that is on a sliding fee scale but is neither fully nor partially free.

Depending on your needs and location, it may be possible for you to find one of the few that are fully without charge, but there are a number of programs that provide payment assistance in one way or another, many of them doing so by providing partially free treatment. In addition, the study also found “facilities offering ‘all free’ care (51.6 percent) were more likely than those in the ‘partial free’ (30.5 percent) or ‘no free (20.6 percent) groups to offer nonhospital residential care.”

Who Can Receive Care in These Free Programs?

Individuals who are usually able to get the care they need in free inpatient rehab centers are those who can prove they need it. Either by providing a paystub as proof of a minimal income or through some other evidence that shows there is a true need for free inpatient care, an individual is often permitted to stay in a program such as these. This is done to ensure that individuals who truly require free rehab are the ones who will receive it, and places in the program are not taken by those who could otherwise afford a more expensive facility. Since these rehab centers are need-based, they specifically work with patients to provide them with the care they require at a cost they can handle.

Getting Help

For immediate assistance in finding an affordable, or potentially free rehab center in your area, call 888-646-0635Who Answers? to speak with a support specialist who can assist you. We offer a number of programs that are tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient.

Are Free Inpatient Rehab Centers Worth the Wait?

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