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Will I Be Allowed to Use my Phone in Drug Rehab?

Usually, most rehab programs do not allow cell phone or computer use at the facility except at specific times. This is for a number of very good reasons meant to help you focus on your recovery in the best, most effective way possible. Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? now to find a rehab center that will cater to your needs and help you recover from addiction.

Cell Phones and Rehab Centers

Most rehab centers discourage patients from bringing their cell phones to the facility, although every program will usually have its own rules in regards to what is allowed and what is not as each program is different (National Institute on Drug Abuse). It is important to know what you can and can’t bring to a specific facility before you go so as not to cause any unwanted issues for yourself.

Phone in Drug Rehab

You may be allowed to use your phone at certain times in rehab.

Some centers do allow restricted cell phone usage as well as the use of computers for business purposes, but most facilities ask that patients not bring electronics of any kind, including laptops, iPods, tablets, DVD players, and cell phones.

Why Can’t I Use My Phone Whenever I Want?

You may be allowed to bring your phone to the facility depending on its rules, but most rehab centers will only allow cell phone usage in certain designated spaces and at certain times. This occurs almost across the board for many reasons.

  • Cell phones are a large distraction for patients in an environment where they should be focusing on their recoveries and needs pertaining to their treatment. If a person is constantly on their phone, they often will not be present in their treatment.
  • The NIDA calls stress “one of the most powerful triggers for relapse in addicted individuals, even after long periods of abstinence.” Therefore, we can all understand how using a cell phone to check up on others or to have a constant stream of both wanted and unwanted information can cause stress at a time where an individual is at their most vulnerable.
  • Cell phones often keep people from participating in the other aspects of their lives, and this is no exception at a rehab center. Staff at these facilities try to keep usage to a minimum, especially during a controlled time or, ideally, not at all, in order to help patients stay engaged in treatment.

Once you find the rehab facility of your choice, it is important to find out their specific rules on cell phone usage, but you must also remember that you will usually not be permitted to go on your phone whenever you like even if you are allowed to bring it with you. For the reasons above, these rules are necessary, especially during this time, to help you build a strong recovery and to stay engaged in treatment.

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