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Can I Bring My Medications with Me to Rehab?

In general, medications are usually allowed or not allowed to be brought to a rehab center on an individual basis. It is important you find out what your particular treatment center permits when it comes to this rule. Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? today to find rehab programs that provide safe, reliable care for addiction recovery.

Aren’t Medications Safe?

Many people believe the medications given to them by their doctors are completely safe and unable to cause any serious side effects. Unfortunately, this is untrue. The National Institute on Drug Abuse lists some of the most commonly abused drugs, including medications like prescription sedatives, stimulants, opioid, and anabolic steroids that, when abused, can all become addictive. For this reason, all medications are not created equally, and the use of any of these must be monitored by the staff of a rehab center, especially because the patients at these facilities are attempting to put an end to their substance abuse.

What If I Need My Medications?

Bring My Medications

Some rehabs will allow medications if they have minimal abuse potential.

Some individuals, however, do require certain medications while staying in a rehab center. This can sometimes be accommodated, but it often depends on the particular individual, their needs for recovery, and the ways in which they and the other patients can be kept safe from abuse.

For example, the NIDA states that certain therapeutic communities (or TCs), one of the most well known types of long term residential rehab programs, have allowed patients to take methadone in the facility. Other types of medications, like antidepressants, are not known to cause addiction and, therefore, can be safe to take to rehab. However, this cannot be said conclusively of every program.

Can I Bring My Medications to Rehab?

Every rehab program has a slightly different policy on what can and can’t be brought to the facility, and it is important to be aware of this. Whether or not a rehab program allows medication to be brought onto the premises depends strongly on different variables. Some rehab programs may not allow patients to bring in any medications, while other may be more lenient, allowing unopened medications with proof of a doctor having prescribed them.

Certain individuals may need to bring medications and exceptions can be made under these circumstances. This is why it is necessary for you find out what your particular treatment program will allow or not allow before you are admitted.

Every individual patient is different and requires their own treatment program, including what may or may not be allowed for them to bring to a specific rehab center. The best rehab facility for you should cater to your needs and ensure that you are able to bring any necessary medications with you. However, it is important to remember that not all medications may be deemed necessary or accepted at certain facilities.

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If you haven’t already chosen a treatment program for your recovery from addiction, call 888-646-0635Who Answers? now. We will match you with the best option for your needs and ensure that you are able to recover as quickly and safely as possible.

What You Can, And Cannot Bring With You to a Drug Rehab Center

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