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Can Someone Assess Me Personally Before I Choose a Treatment Program?

It is actually recommended to have someone assess you personally before you choose a treatment program for your addiction recovery. Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? now to find rehab centers that will allow for an assessment before matching you with the best treatment options for your recovery.

Who Can Assess Me?

Being assessed for your specific needs, situation, level of addiction, and many other important issues is relevant to your recovery in many ways. And, fortunately, there are a number of people who may be able to perform this assessment.

  • According to the National Library of Medicine, any health care provider should be able to perform “a physical exam and ask questions about your medical history and drug use.” This can include your primary care physician or another doctor you trust who knows your history.
  • The doctor at your rehab program can also assess you before you choose to be admitted to that program. In addition, someone may also be able to perform a short questionnaire over the phone that would allow the staff at a particular rehab center to know if their program would be beneficial to you.
  • Any doctor at your local hospital should also be able to perform this task. It is usually best to choose a healthcare practitioner who understands addiction, but there is also general knowledge involved in the assessment of addicted individuals.

    Treatment Program

    Any doctor at your local hospital should be able to provide an assessment.

What Will This Assessment Entail?

As stated above, you will often be asked a number of questions, and a short physical exam will be performed. An idea of the questions you may be asked can be found at the National Institute on Drug Abuse. In addition, you may need to take a blood or urine test so your healthcare provider can find out exactly what you have been using and how much of it. Other tests performed during the examination may include:

  • A CBC
  • Blood chemistries and liver function tests
  • A chest x-ray
  • An EKG
  • Hepatitis, HIV, and TB tests
  • Screenings for depression or other co-occurring mental disorders

Why Is This So Necessary?

It is extremely beneficial––and in most cases, necessary––to receive an assessment before choosing a treatment program. Currently, you may believe you know which treatment option is best for you or what level of care is right for your needs. But having a professional assess your current situation may actually help you realize that a different type of treatment could be better for you.

A number of other reasons make receiving a professional’s assessment of your addiction and your needs essential to a safe recovery. Every individual is different, and it is important to find out what your situation entails in order for you to be matched with the best treatment option for you.

Get Your Assessment––Then Get Help

Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? today. We can connect you with treatment options that will be likely to benefit your needs as you currently understand them. Then, you can receive an assessment from the treatment center before you choose to attend the program. Or, if you prefer, seek your primary doctor or another health professional’s opinion, and then call us for help finding the best treatment program.

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