Drug or alcohol addiction is a serious condition that is actually considered a disease but the disease is treatable. When addiction is treated properly, many addicts can go on to live completely normal and fulfilling lives post addiction. A major part of addiction treatment surrounds what is known as relapse prevention. Relapse prevention is a….
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Relapse – it’s the number one feature of nearly any addiction that tends to remain the same across the board. It’s also one of the most painful aspects of any addiction treatment program and it plagues most every recovering addict at least once and typically many times throughout their lives. Relapse happens to the vast….
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Drug relapse prevention is all about making sure that you recognize the signs of drug relapse in advance in order to prevent such an event from occurring but how do drug rehab centers help prevent relapse? You may think that drug rehab centers are reserved for those who have already relapsed or for those who….
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