Sleep Disorder Rehab Centers
Sleep disorders may include a full range of sleeping problems such as sleep apnea, snoring or insomnia. Additional types of sleep disorders include restless legs syndrome and sleep deprivation. Millions of Americans struggle with sleep disorders that cause adverse effects on their daily routines and their lives. Sleep disorders symptoms can range from having trouble sleeping to not sleeping enough to sleeping too much.
People who suffer from insomnia may wake up earlier than they should or they may have trouble falling asleep. This type of sleep disorder can made it difficult to function during the day because the individual does not sleep enough. On the opposite side of the sleep disorder spectrum is narcolepsy a condition in which people fall asleep at any point in the day. Narcolepsy causes people to feel excessively sleepy even when they have had plenty of sleep already.
Treatment for sleep disorders may range from drug therapy to counseling. Depending on the type of sleep disorder a doctor may perform a range of tests to determine the root cause of the disorder and to decide on a treatment plan that is going to be most successful. For instance, people with insomnia do not usually fall asleep in situations in which they shouldn’t be falling asleep such as when they are driving. If an individual with insomnia were to fall asleep while driving then this may signal a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea as the actual cause of the insomnia. Sleep tests will be conducted in order to determine such causes of sleep disorders.