Why Do Residential Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers Require You to Live at the Facility?
Coming to terms with an addiction problem can be a difficult period in a personâs life. The damage and destruction left behind by substance abuse can seem overwhelming when really seeing it for the first time. Likewise, starting on the path to recovery can seem overwhelming in itself, especially when treatment entails living at the facility.
Drug and alcohol rehab centers vary in the types of services offered as well as in the types of settings where treatment takes place. Residential-based programs most benefit people whoâve reached a point where substance abuse has disrupted their daily lives in destructive ways.
In effect, a facility-based treatment approach offers a person the best chance of success in recovery when addiction has all but taken over his or her life.
The Aftereffects of Addiction
Be it alcohol or drugs, addiction in any form changes a personâs morals, beliefs and priorities in fundamental ways, according to Mayo Clinic. While stopping drug or alcohol use is a necessary first step towards breaking addictionâs hold, the addictionâs effects on a personâs thinking and behaviors remains unaffected in the absence of ongoing treatment help.
Residential drug and alcohol rehab centers provide recovering addicts with the time and space needed to focus on overcoming addictionâs effects in their daily lives.
Donât hesitate to call our toll-free helpline at 888-646-0635Who Answers? with any questions about drug and alcohol rehab center programs.
The Role of Residential Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers
Structured Living Environment
The addiction lifestyle naturally breeds chaos and instability as the need for the drug (or alcohol) dictates what a person does from day to day. For this reason, establishing stability and routine within a personâs life becomes an essential part of the recovery process.
Residential drug and alcohol rehab center treatment takes place within a highly structured environment where residents can focus their time and energy on building a stable lifestyle. In effect, the time spent in a residential program becomes a training ground for living a drug-free lifestyle.
Addressing Underlying Issues
While the âhighâ effects that drugs and alcohol bring no doubt contributes to ongoing substance abuse, most people who end up addicted were dealing with unresolved emotional issues before drug use began, according to the U. S. Department of Health & Human Services. Working through unresolved issues can be difficult, especially when having to contend with persistent withdrawal symptoms and drug cravings.
Residential drug and alcohol rehab centers operate with in safe and caring environments where a person can confront emotional issues and receive needed emotional support and understanding along the way.
What Are the Residential Treatment Options for Dual Diagnosis?
Building a Support System
Having a support system of like-minded peers is an essential part of creating a drug-free life. Much like a life of addiction breeds its own like-minded âsupport system,â developing relationships with people who share similar goals and priorities is essential for maintaining abstinence on a long-term basis.
Residential drug and alcohol rehab centers come with a built-in support system made up of people who share similar hopes and goals. Considering how difficult addiction recovery can be, having people who understand what youâre going through to lean on can prove invaluable, especially when the urge to use seems overwhelming.
If you or someone you know are considering residential rehab treatment and need help finding a program that meets your needs, call our toll-free helpline at 888-646-0635Who Answers? to speak with one of our addiction specialists.