Postpartum Depression Rehab Centers
Postpartum depression is a serious emotional disorder that arises as a result of having a baby. Many new moms will experience the baby blues following childbirth and mood swings and crying spells that arise will usually fade away quickly but for some the depression that lingers after having a baby will be long term and more severe. This type of depression is known as postpartum depression and is a serious condition that must be treated for the safety of the mother and her child.
Postpartum depression symptoms include overwhelming fatigue, insomnia and intense irritability or anger. Women with postpartum depression may have a lack of joy in life and will usually experience severe mood swings as well as difficulty bonding with their child. They may withdraw from family and friends and they may show little interest in activities that were once very enjoyable to them. When left untreated, postpartum depression could last as long as a year or more.
Various treatment methods are available for postpartum depression including counseling, antidepressants and hormone therapy. Depending on the severity of the depression, treatment may last a few weeks to a few months or longer. Counseling for postpartum depression will allow an individual to talk about their problems, their depression and to set realistic goals for solving the problem and for coping with the disorder.
If you or someone you love is suffering from baby blues that just won’t go away, you may have postpartum depression. It is important to seek help in order to protect yourself and your baby from the negative ramifications that may arise as a result of the serious depressive state associated with postpartum depression. Contact a rehab center near you today for help with postpartum depression.